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This day in history...April 13
Short and sweet today, with just two things to report there are three really but I don't have a picture of the third!!

This day in history...April 8
A quiet day to report with just 3 events to report, starting off way back in 1946 with the first flight of what is arguably now Africas...

This day in history...Jan 20
Another fabulous four today, with the first flight of an aircraft starting us of in 1959. The Vickers Vanguard, later the Merchentman.

This day in history...Jan 14
First off today in 1958 we have QANTAS becoming the first foreign airline permitted to fly across the United States.

This day in history...Jan 10
Just a couple of things to tell you today.

This day in history...Jan 9

This day in history...Dec 27
One airline begins its life with another ending. An aircraft making its very first flight whilst another ends its days with one operator.

Tri Jet Tuesday - TU154
Announced in the spring of 1966 the TU154 was intended to replace the TU104, IL18 and AN10 on Aeroflots medium to long sectors.
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